Art-Links / Opportunities / Wed 10 Jul 2013
Open Call for Artists for Hatfest Heats

For Hatfest arts and culture festival 2013, Art-Links are organising the Hatfest Heats: a live art contest!
Teams of artists will go head-to-head in front of an audience within a fixed time limit (45mns) to create a billboard for Hatfield. Artists can use any creative styles to make the billboard, provided they use the materials given and no preparatory drawings are used.
Hatfest Heats is a celebration of spontaneous creativity and the power of art to burst from the imagination!
Artists are invited to enter in teams of 2, 3 or 4 people. Any kind of artist can apply, although this is particularly suitable for graphic artists, typographers, spontaneous painters, illustrators and street artists - or anyone who enjoys making art live in front of people.
Participation is voluntary and all materials are provided. This is a great opportunity to showcase your talent in front of an audience and get involved in this fantastic community festival.
Artists who want to take aprt should contact Rebecca via rebecca@art-links.co.uk with some information about themselves and their team members. Artists must confirm availability on 20th July in Hatfield town centre (actual event takes place at 1pm). The closing date for applications is Wednesday 10th July.
Opportunity Location
Hatfield Town Centre
Email: rebecca@art-links.co.uk