Fine Art painter / musician / News / Sun 29 Sep 2013
Exhibition In- between places / Imaginary constellations & music

On the 4th September artists and musicians Anna Georghiou and Phil Bird left their home in Okehampton Devon to return to Cyprus where they lived and worked for 7 years for their joint exhibition Inbetween - places / imaginary constellations at gallery Kypriaki Gonia in Larnaca. The exhibition opened on the 17th September and will be on show until the 5th October. It was a great evening of art, music and catching up with friends.
The founders of Okehampton Acoustic have also organised a free concert bringing together musicians in Cyprus to include Kyp who is a magical sitar player and a young singer song writer. The Concert will take place at the Cornaro Institute in the old town of Larnaca on the 4th October.
Phil Bird and Anna Georghiou will also run a free Visual arts workshop at the Cornaro institute on the 4th October that will be open to artists, the public and undergraduate and post graduate students. They will also be leading a workshop at the Alexanda College Larnaca.
In the future they would like to organise an artists exchange between Cyprus based painters / sculptors/ceramicists and UK based painters /sculptors /ceramists to include exhibition, workshops , talks and music.
There recent bid for funding has been rejected by the arts council although 4 galleries , Art centres and schools wished to take part and support the event to include exhibitions, workshops and performances, open to carefully targeted audiences including Adults with learning disabilities, students , Artists and the general public in the south west.
Even-though Phil Bird and Anna Georghiou had gained the support of these venues / councils and funder's in the South West the arts council rejected the bid commenting that there was not enough Public engagement in the Uk.
For more information visit http://www.gallerykypriakigonia.com.cy/current_exhibition.htm
News Location
Larnaca / Cyprus
Gallery Kypriaki Gonia, 45 Stadium
Telephone: 01837 318 591
Email: anna_blatent@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.gallerykypriakigonia.com.cy/current_exhibition.htm