Anna Schofield / Events / Thu 28 Jan to Thu 04 Mar 2021 (1 month)
Mindfulness for every day life : 6 week FREE online course

Mindfulness Sessions on Zoom
We are happy to announce that Anna Schofield, local mindfulness coach and artist, will be running mindfulness sessions on behalf of Viewpoint
The first session will be from 10.30am to 12.00 on Thursday the 28th of January. These sessions will run for 6 weeks, every Thursday from 10.30am to 12.00.
Viewpoint’s facilitator Ann Raines will be supporting and co-hosting.
There will be an opportunity to learn about what mindfulness is and explore different ways it can be practiced. Anna will give you the option to practice some mindfulness techniques at home each week in order for you to fully experience and understand the benefits of this practice.
During each session there will be an opportunity to discuss an aspect of mindful practice such as meditation, the connection between mind and body, gratitude, acceptance and self-compassion and explore how it can be practiced in our daily lives.
Important to note: Mindfulness is beneficial for most people’s mental health and wellbeing. However, there are some circumstances where using, or learning to use it may not be and you should consider this before signing up for this course. The key consideration are mental health challenges where someone is experiencing psychosis or dissociation – this is when you may be feeling ungrounded and not fully in touch with yourself or your surroundings. We recommend that if you are feeling not fully in touch with yourself or your surroundings you discuss the appropriateness of mindfulness with your health care professional before booking.
To join please use this Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96354357196?pwd=SlVDeHJqVUxPSnlwZnJKaUVYT3JrQT09
For more information visit https://www.hertsviewpoint.co.uk/Event/mindfulness-6-sessions-beginning-on-28012021