Anna Keleher / News / Wed 19 Aug 2015
That's who he is. That's what he saw - Pelagic boat tour story

A flash of a harbour porpoise. “I’ve seen something” someone shouts.
You only ever see the dorsal fin.
Ahead, fifty to a hundred Manx Shearwaters sit on the water.
“Sunlight, boat, photographers. Shutters going… chhhh chhhh chhhh."
“Over there… bobbing on the water. Fourth one from the left!”
Bins full of fish guts, fish heads. “Stir it well. Dipping and throwing. Nose hairs curl inward”.
Gannets, Greater black backs, Herring gulls. Slopping stuff out.A Buzz of pictures. Dolphins leap to the right, to the left, in the middle.Photographic lenses in the way. Taken off.
A son drops his binoculars to watch with his own naked eyes.
Extract of blog story based on first hand account by Nigel Smallbones re his Pelagic boat trips out of Brixham harbour,
For more information visit https://wildradioproject.wordpress.com/2015/08/19/thats-who-he-is-thats-what-he-saw/
News Location
English Riviera Geopark
Website: https://wildradioproject.wordpress.com/2015/08/19/thats-who-he-is-thats-what-he-saw/