Anna Keleher / Events / Sat 15 May to Sat 04 Sep 2010 (4 months)
"Stories" at Wolverhampton Art Gallery

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Wolverhampton Art Gallery
I have been invited to show some of the pieces I have posted on my axisweb aritst's pages in the exhibition "Stories". One of them is my photo diorama "Ecoscape" that helped me win 1st Prize at Exeter Contemporary Open a couple of years ago and the others are from the "Forest Dreaming " series comissioned by Clive Adams of CCANW for their Forest Dreaming exhibitons.
15 May 10 - 4 September 2010
Wolverhampton Art Gallery.
Enter a magical world of storytelling and discover work inspired by childhood memories, fictional stories and fairy tales.
Through paintings, drawings, sculptures and art installations, the gallery space will be transformed into an enchanted, playful and mysterious land. Look out for a few surprises dotted about the gallery.
Spend some time in our resource area reading a range of interesting and delightful books available.
For more information visit http://www.wolverhamptonart.org.uk/wolves/exhibitions/index.php?q=future/index.html