If You'd like to.... Bristol Click here to fine out more
If you’d like to be to see with magpie eyes please press 1 If you’d like to become human ballast please press 2
If you’d like to dress razor sharp please press 3
If you’d like to get dragged along beneath a glacier please press 4
If you’d like silver birch trees instead of traffic lights please press 5
If you’d like to literally swim to work please press 6
If you’d like to grind your own cosmetics with a stone pestle and mortar please press 7
If you’d like your pizza to arrive by pony express please press 8
If you'd like to plant runner beans outside the prison please press 9
If you’d like to sway with the bridge please press star
If you’d like to follow a ghostly reference please press hash
If you’d like to send your daughter into service please press zero
For more information visit http://www.falmouth.ac.uk/component/events/132/view_detail/2008/October/01/divergence-n5026-w0341-285/index.html