Angharad Thomas/designer / Events / Sun 19 Mar 2017
Knit Sanquhar gloves in London

I'm teaching a Sanquhar glove knitting workshop in London. Sunday 19th March at Wild and Woolly in Clapton. There are full details on the Wild and Woolly web site here:
Some places are already booked!
For more information visit http://www.wildandwoollyshop.co.uk/event/learn-knit-sanquhar-gloves/
Event Location
Wild and Woolly,
Lower Clapton Road, London E5 0QR
E5 0QR
Telephone: 020 8985 5231
Email: info@wildandwoollyshop.co.uk
Website: http://www.wildandwoollyshop.co.uk/event/learn-knit-sanquhar-gloves/