Andrew Jenkinson

Andrew Jenkinson Abbey gateway Orchestra

The Abbey Gateway Orchestra (AGO) is an amateur orchestra in St Albans that performs regular concerts of major works, and offers a more relaxed musical experience at a much lower cost than larger orchestras in the area.

We have a policy of welcoming all ages and a wide range of abilities from St Albans and beyond. This leads to a varied mix of musicians which produces fresh and stimulating results.

Abbey Gateway Orchestra is different to most amateur orchestras in that we don’t just perform full concerts every term, we also mix up workshops and community events, developing a large repertoire of pieces which we perform more than once over the course of the year.

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My Location

St Michael’s Primary School Hall

St Michael’s Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4SJ.

Telephone: 07769 672 308

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My Events

Abbey Gateway Orchestra’s 2014 autumn concert / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2014-11-22T00:00:00Z">Sat 22 Nov 2014</span>Abbey Gateway Orchestra’s 2014 autumn concert / Sat 22 Nov 2014

Abbey Gateway Orchestra’s 2014 autumn concert will be on 22 November in St Nicholas’ Church in Harpenden at 7 30. They will be joined by Our Lady of L...
