Amy Hirst (Sensation Arts) / Events / Sat 24 to Sat 31 May 2014 (1 week)
Making Sense Pop-up Shop

A creative space for everyone to join in!
Artists Amy Hirst and Rachael Walker are making new work about Huddersfield.
We invite you to make, play and experience the town in a whole new way through Puppet Expeditions, Sculpting Landscapes, A Tactile Treasure Hunt and much more as the week unfolds. Come along and be a part of it!
Follow us on twitter @MakingSenseArt
In association with North Huddersfield Community Arts Festival
Kindly supported by One 17 Design Charitable Trust
For more information visit http://www.makingsense-space.blogspot.co.uk/
Event Location
Packhorse Shopping Centre
Packhorse Walk , Huddersfield
Telephone: 07985 643 035
Email: amy@sensation-arts.co.uk
Website: http://www.makingsense-space.blogspot.co.uk/