ame / Opportunities / Sun 15 Dec 2019
ame sound assistant / main technician 2020

ame sound assistant / main technician 2020
We are offering an opportunity for a sound technician to learn
and work with ame team from winter 2019 winter 2020. The successful applicant will work alone or along with our main technicians.
This isn’t a 9-5 job. ame has a number of one-off concerts and exhibitions planned over the coming year, each of which will require a few days technical support. The role involves assisting artists with their technical
requirements for installations and performances, including doing live sound for events. It is likely to include occasional late night shifts including at weekends. Some knowledge and experience in music, sound or visual art will be necessary including sound technician skills.
Payment is dependant on the past experience.
ame (art / music / experimental), based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, is an international creative hub that supports experimental music and art, commissioning works from both emerging and established composers, musicians and sound artists. We organise concerts, installations, educational projects and artists-in-residence programs, working together with local venues and organisations.
We are especially looking for a person who is interested in experimental music, sound art and installations. Please see some interviews from artists who worked with ame in the past.
As part of our commitment to rebalance the music industry, we are strongly encouraging female and non-binary applicants to apply for this role. The recent Women Make Music Evaluation by PRS Foundation states that ‘Engineering, in particular, is viewed as an almost entirely male ‘closed shop’. ame wants to help change this situation and improve diversity within the sector.
You tasks may include :
• Setting up and operation of all aspects of a small pa system.
• Assisting with set up of installations.
• Live recording
• Planning for events including deciding on set-ups at different venues, hiring necessary equipment, handling musician’s technical specifications, and helping to resolve technical issues when they arise.
• Maintaining audio systems knowledge of Health and Safety standards and compliance of these.
• General knowledge of running a small organisation such as liaising with performers, composers and artists. Some previous experience is essential but applicants at any stage will be considered. We are more interested in someone with a passion for experimental music and art scene and
last but most importantly - enthusiasm to work with us.
If you are interested, send us an application form to info@amespace.uk
A casual interview will be held.
Any questions regarding to the job, email info@amespace.uk
For more information visit http://www.amepsace.uk/
Opportunity Location
ame Dai Hall
unit 29/30 Piazza, Alexandra Walk,
The Piazza Shopping Centre, Huddersfield
Telephone: 07906 659 001
Email: info@amespace.uk
Website: http://www.amepsace.uk/