A life like Anne Lister strides across the highest peaks of the French Pyrenees on her way to the highest one, Vignemale, which she was the first to conquer in 1832. In her right hand she holds one of her famous diaries, the other hand in open invitation for you to join her in her adventures. Across the front of the mountain chain is the most famous quote from her dairies in cursive as well as her secret code or 'Crypt Hand'. Across the inside ring of mountain ridges are her life achievements, including the ever illusive "L word" Limited edition patinated foundry bronze.
For more information visit https://www.amamenec-sculpture.co.uk/public-statue-of-anne-lister
Image Location
Ama Menec - Sculpture
Telephone: 07943 803 551
Email: amamenec@lineone.net
Website: https://www.amamenec-sculpture.co.uk/public-statue-of-anne-lister