alicebradshaw / Events / Mon 19 Sep to Sat 31 Dec 2016 (3 months)
Triptych #2

Triptych #2
Philippa Wall - Daksha Patel - Beverley Bennett
Café Ollo, The Media Centre, 7 Northumberland Street, Huddersfield
September – December 2016
Triptychs is a biannual film screening programme showing 3 selected works simultaneously on 3 parallel screens, curated by Alice Bradshaw.
Triptychs #2 presents 3 diverse films that focus on mark marking and interpretation processes in their creation. Phillipa's 'Spin Cycle' explores repetitive processes of print and film making simultaneously by placing 16mm film, ink and thread on a washing machine spin cycle. Daksha's 'Mind Wandering 1' animation responds graphically by hand to the medical process of brain imaging, which is then digitally presented on screen. Beverley's 'Untitled Sonority' is an exploration of sign interpretation; graphic sign interpreted into opera performance interpreted into sign language. Each film tests the boundaries of their chosen media experimentally, as the films perform a translation between media, which have the fundamental artistic process on mark making as a central theme.
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Event Location
Café Ollo
Café Ollo, The Media Centre, 7 Northumberland Street, Huddersfield
Email: alicebradshaw.co.uk@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/335067246835313