alicebradshaw / Events / Wed 25 Jan to Tue 25 Apr 2017 (3 months)
Laura Long Solo Exhibition

Laura Long
Café Ollo
The Media Centre
7 Northumberland Street
January - April 2016
Laura Long brings entomological and ornithological studies by children to life.
Laura skilfully recreates the imaginings of children’s artwork in hand made three-dimensional pieces. Each pencil mark, brush stroke and fingerprint has been carefully recreated in knit, stitch and embroidery.
Brought up in Brighton, dressed in jumpers made by my grandmother, Laura developed a love for traditional crafts and hand knitting from an early age. It is a passion that has remained with her to this day.
From the complex techniques of lace making and the traditional knots of Aran knitting, to the old toys Laura found in her grandmother's house, it is the fascinating stories and history behind each piece that continues to inspire her collections.
Laura lives and works in London.
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For more information visit http://www.lauralong.co.uk/
Event Location
Café Ollo
The Media Centre
7 Northumberland Street
Email: alicebradshaw.co.uk@gmail.com
Website: http://www.lauralong.co.uk/