Alexandra Richardson / Events / Sat 27 to Sun 28 Jul 2019 (2 days)
Make Electronic Music

Introduction to electronic music production with Caro C
Learn some of the core skills of being a music composer, electronic music producer and sound engineer in one weekend.
Age: 11-15 years*
Location: University of Huddersfield
When: Saturday 27th – Sunday 28th July 2019
10am – 3pm
No previous musical experience necessary.
Course Description
Make your own piece of music or song in one weekend from scratch.
Looking at the original ‘Dr Who’ theme written by the electronic music Composer Delia Derbyshire as a framework and the music software app ‘GarageBand’ on iPads, this course will help you gain an understanding of the building blocks of music and provide inspiration for you to make your own music. You will learn how to make, record, sample and mix sounds and music and by the end of the weekend, you will have your own track you can be proud of and share.
Learn about the common building blocks of music, i.e. rhythm, melody, harmony
Learn how to write and structure a piece of music
Learn how to use the GarageBand app
Collaborate with others to envision your own piece of music
Grasp and explore sampling, recording and mixing music
Understand and experiment with MIDI notation and arrangement – editing, quantising and velocity
Understand and experiment with audio recording – mic placement & input levels
Understand and experiment with audio effects – reverb and echo
Give and receive peer support
For more information visit
Event Location
University of Huddersfield
Richard Steinitz
Telephone: 07563 758 868