Alex Knight / Events / Sun 09 Sep 2012

Appassionata Duo - concert of guitar and flute, Sept. 7th

Appassionata Duo - concert of guitar and flute, Sept. 7th

Guitar and Flute Duo "Appassionata" (Alex Knight- guitar and Suki Trussler- flute) are to play a concert at St Peter's Church, Shaldon on Friday 7th September (8pm)

In this concert the duo will delight listeners as the beautiful tones of each instrument blend together in a rich and varied programme that combines early Baroque and Classical music with more contemporary sounds, including some of their own material.

Expect to hear composers such as Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, Albeniz, Scarlatti, Granados, Faure, Ibert, Dompierre and Piazzolla among others.

Tickets are £10 on the door or in advance - 01364 644400 / 0789 643 8242.
Doors open at 7.30pm (interval & refreshments).

For more information visit

Event Location

St Peters Church

Shaldon, Teignmouth, Devon
TQ14 0ED

Telephone: 07896 438 242
