Ahead of the Game / Opportunities / Mon 18 Jun 2012
Video Producer: Ahead of the Game Festival

West Sussex Arts Partnership are seeking a Video Producer to curate footage and produce a short film that “tells the story” of the Ahead of the Game Festival this summer.
Between July and September 2012, West Sussex will host a programme of bold, bright and ambitious cultural events created by more than one thousand residents and working with hundreds of creative partners from Shoreham to Shanghai!
Presented in woodland, farms, parks and gardens throughout the county and online, events will include pop-up festivals, carnival parades, a children’s opera in a big top, singing in woodland under moonlight and a theatrical treasure hunt of the grandest proportions.
In order to document the festival, we are looking for a Video Producer to produce a film that shows what our celebration of London 2012 has meant to West Sussex.
To apply, please download the brief from our website via the link below and send us your response by 18th June.
For more information visit http://www.westsussex-aheadofthegame.com/page/news/289/