Agatha's Closet / Opportunities / Tue 01 Sep 2015
Workshops leaders wanted in a range of needlecraft skills

Agatha's Closet is fast becoming the home of community sewing, dress making, fashion design and needlecraft workshops in Torbay.
We work with anyone in the community who wants to learn to sew for crafting or dress making and we run three cooperatives that bring people together to share skills, make products and sell them in our shop and on on line platforms like Etsy and Asos Marketplace.
The workshops are run by two designers in residence who come with a wide range of skills and we are now looking for specialist crafters to run a series of masterclasses through the autumn and winter.
Particular areas of interest include lace making, spinning and weaving, leather work, shoe making, embroidery, bead work and millinery. Other skills are also most welcome to be included.
We pay competitive rates based on Arts Council England guidance or are happy to support people to develop their own workshops on a space hire basis. We have two workshops which are well equipped and a ready audience.
If you would be interested in getting involved please email us at agathascloset@btinternet.com or give us a call on 07957930196.
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 07957 930 196
Email: agathascloset@btinternet.com