Agatha's Closet / Opportunities / Thu 16 May 2013
Our Big Gig Volunteers WANTED!!

Our Big Gig is a community music celebration which takes place across the UK from the 11th to the 14th July 2013. This annual event aims to bring communities together to celebrate their local musical talents and get more people involved in music making.
All Our Big Gig events are organised by local volunteers in their communities with support from Superact’s Regional Managers. All events are at least four hours long, free to attend and will present opportunities for attendees to participate in a range of musical activities.
Agatha's Closet has been successful in bidding to organise one for Torbay and we intend to take over a space and go all day.
We're looking for volunteers to help make it happen. If you're up for challenge, have shed loads of energy and can put together and make a plan happen then get in touch. We'll organise a date for the first meet up as soon as we've got our venue!
Contact via - agatha'scloset@btinternet.com
For more information visit http://www.superact.org.uk/ourbiggig/