With both parents teaching art to thousands of secondary school pupils between the 60’s and 2000’s some of it rubbed off. I followed an educational path from an Art Foundation Course at Manchester Polytechnic in 1979 to a BA(Hons) degree in Communication Arts which led towards an early career in countryside interpretation.
Securing a Post Graduate Diploma in Countryside Management formalised 18 years of experience managing South Manchesters countryside. In 2003 I joined the Forestry Commission as a Project Officer developing Newlands, a significant regional land restoration initative. Now living in Teignmouth and working as a Torbay Arts Development Officer and working in a school grounds development role at Oaklands Park Special School
Whilst living in in Devon I have been inspired by the landscapes in the SouthWest and have acrylic painted canvasses on en plein aire, continued to photograph the regions wildlife and worked to share my knowlege of the natural world
View my website http://swredearth.webs.com/
My Location
Website: http://swredearth.webs.com/
My News
Artistsic response to Climate Change / Tue 13 Nov 2012
The search is on! Entries are now open for the Climate Week Awards, showcasing the UK's most innovative, ambitious and effective action to combat ...
LoveLife on 2 wheels / Mon 24 Sep 2012
We had the weather, inspiration and a car free circuit around Paignton Green. Loads of arty activities going on with kids pimping their bikes with rec...
Torbay Green Day Plans / Fri 06 Jul 2012
Do you want to get involved in a ‘Green Day’ on Paignton Green? • Lots of space for display trailers, vehicles and outdoor displays • Banners...
My Events
Young Sustainability Champions / Thu 14 Nov 2013
Torquay Museum is offering half day workshops exploring a range of Sustainability topics. We have a host of opportunities that are completely FREE tha...
Torbay Green Day now LoveLife on 2 wheels / Sat 22 Sep 2012
ALL the fun of getting around on two wheels will be celebrated with a new event for all ages on Paignton seafront. The loveLIFE on Two Wheels event o...
My Opportunities
Without Walls 2013 / Wed 04 Apr 2012
Without Walls invites artists and companies from any discipline to propose ideas for the development of new outdoor work for presentation in 2013. Wit...
My Friends
Adam / Adam Davison