A Kick Up The Arts / Events / Fri 24 Oct to Sat 15 Nov 2014 (3 weeks)
Twinkle Twinkle Torquay Stars - Lantern Making workshops

Plans are in place for the ‘Torquay Town Centre Christmas Light Switch On’ on the 15th November, to be something new for Torquay by creating something memorable in our beautiful town.
This year, instead of paying a lot of money to book a ‘celebrity’ to switch on the lights, the town wants to invest in our own community and celebrate our own individual and unique homegrown stars with a day of fundraising, performance and community spirit culminating in a parade of stars through the town centre, a spectacular light show in the harbour and the switch on by the ‘Brightest Star’ in the Bay. (There’s a clue in there somewhere!)
At 4.00pm there will be a lantern parade with schools and community groups helping to create a visual feast for the town centre.
Pop Up Torquay – the monthly alternative arts & crafts market at Torquay Town Hall are hosting lantern making workshops in schools, at community groups and at the Pop Up Torquay market on the 1st November but are also keen to do more throughout the Town Centre and beyond – one of the organizers Sarah Bell said “ We would like all sorts of people to get involved so if you’re a venue why not host a workshop and get people making whilst having a cup of tea or a drink – it’s a nice way to socialize and make something at the same time. It’s all free, we supply the materials and help make them”
Lantern parades are popular Christmas events and it’s hoped that this will capture the imagination here too and be a colourful spectacle giving a real community feel to the Christmas Light Switch On which will showcase local bands and charities too
The launch of the Christmas event will be on 1st November at Pop Up Torquay and anyone can go along and make a lantern to carry in the parade. There will also be a special guest appearing at midday to launch some of the other elements of the Christmas Light Switch On.
For more information about how you can get involved go to the Pop Up Torquay Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/popuptorquay
For more information visit http://www.facebook.com/popuptorquay
Event Location
Torquay Town Centre
Telephone: 07859 996 368
Email: sarahbell@akickupthearts.com
Website: http://www.facebook.com/popuptorquay