A Kick Up The Arts / News / Tue 17 Nov 2009
Do you need 'A Kick Up The Arts'?

‘A Kick Up The Arts’ is an exciting shop, studio and gallery situated on the top floor of Torquay’s newest retail alternative ‘Camden Market TQ1’ in Lower Union Lane.
This latest venture from Devon’s very successful burlesque funsters, Kinky & Quirky (aka Mark & Sarah Bell,) aims to support new and established artists and makers, from all over the U.K, by offering an outlet to display, sell, and promote works that is accessible and affordable for everyone and hassle free.
Here’s how it works:
The shop/gallery/studio will be a flexible space for artists/makers to show, display and sell their works without the commitment of actually being there.
The artist/maker can ‘rent’ a wall space, display cabinet, rail, corner or shelf for a set period of time and nominal fixed fee:
- minimum of 4 weeks
- fee on application
All retail prices will be set by the artist/maker.
All the artist/maker’s products will be catalogued and/or photographed so they can also be available in the online-shop.
All the sales, marketing, promotions etc will be done by the ‘Kick Up The Arts’ team and all monies taken for the artist’s products will go straight to the artist.
There is no ‘time’ commitment.
There is no expensive outlay for fixtures and fittings.
There is no outlay for advertising.
There are no hidden charges.
The artist/makers are part of a creative network/hub.
The customers get an exciting vibrant place to shop.
For more information: email sarahbell@akickupthearts.com
‘A Kick Up The Arts’ aims to dispel the myth that art is elitist. There will be no biographies, no qualifications, no clever insights and no long-winded descriptive jargon –
only products and prices.
‘A Kick Up The Arts’ does not advocate starving in garrets and will pull out all the stops to provide an outlet for creatives to network, promote, advertise but most of all make some damned money!
‘A Kick Up The Arts’ is interested in thinking big.
‘A Kick Up The Arts’ would like to meet:
Artists, art graduates, art lovers, lovers.
Paper lovers, paint lovers, clay lovers, metal lovers.
Lovers in dark-rooms, lovers of cartoons.
Makers & creators, idea generators.
Picture fakers, money makers.
Mickey takers & procreators.
Collectors & selectors.
Collectors of string, cogs, buttons, pots, t-shirts, books, robots, vegetables, sweet wrappers, postcards,
things that are broken or smashed, other people’s trash.
Rebels & Rousers.
Rockers & Rollers.
Freaks & Geeks.
Anarchists & Philanthropists.
Depressives, Expressives & Obsessives.
For more information: email sarahbell@akickupthearts.com