A Creative Space

A Creative Space / Events / Fri 18 Feb to Fri 25 Mar 2022 (1 month)

Mosaic Workshop

Mosaic Workshop

If you've every fancied having a go at making a mosaic these mosaic workshops that could be just the thing for you! We will be covering all the basics of mosaic making such as cutting techniques, design, adhesives etc. All materials and tools are included, please feel free to bring any designs that inspire you. All work must be taken home with you at the end of each session as there's no storage at the centre. If you'd like to book a place then please email Grassrootsbatley@gmail.com.

Event Location

Batley Community Centre

Upper Commercial Street,
WF17 5DH

Telephone: 07891 488 191
Email: grassrootsbatley@gmail.com

Event Details
