96 Shenley Road / Opportunities / Sun 01 Nov 2020
Calling all Artists / Photographers

through out 2020 as part of the YOC we would like to give artists / photographers the opportunity to showcase there work to the community of Borehamwood, we have teamed up with our building partners Borehamwood Library and Elstree & Borehamwood museum to free up areas in the building to accommodate various art work.
if your work is family friendly, we'd love to hear from you.
For more information visit http://www.96shenleyroad.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
96 Shenley Road
96 Shenley Road
Telephone: 01442 454 000
Email: peter.windsor@inspireall.com
Website: http://www.96shenleyroad.co.uk/