45 Southside Gallery / Events / Sat 21 Sep to Sun 27 Oct 2019 (1 month)
Scotty Gillespie - TenderStem Exhibition

Scotty Gillespie lives and works in Exeter having recently graduated from a BA (Hons) illustration degree at Plymouth University and gained a first for his project called TenderStem. He works with many different mediums including textile, digital illustration and ceramics. His experience of studying in Japan taught him that illustration does not need to be confined to flat surface of paper and print. This way of thinking opened up his practice, expanding and challenging what contemporary illustration looks like and how it can function within different mediums and cultures.
Scotty says, “I love creating work that evokes fun, whimsy, playfulness and tenderness. My main focus is to take the viewer on a magical journey and make people smile.”
Throughout, his work evokes a sensitive core of acceptance, feelings and a celebration of individual uniqueness. His work is an expression of his passion to look and appreciate the little things in life.
This exhibition showcases Scotty's degree work of illustrated ceramic pieces, prints, textiles and installations including new works.
For more information visit https://www.45southside.co.uk/scotty-gillespies-tenderstem-exhibition
Event Location
45 Southside Gallery
45 Southside Street
Telephone: 01752 224 974
Email: arts@45southside.co.uk
Website: https://www.45southside.co.uk/scotty-gillespies-tenderstem-exhibition