3M Buckley Innovation Centre / Events / Thu 16 Mar 2017
Masterclass in Additive Manufacturing and 3D Visualisation

If you are considering 3D technologies for your business, it is crucial that you fully understand the benefits and pitfalls and how best to exploit them therefore our technical staff and designers here at the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre will be holding a masterclass to explain further.
Before approaching the manufacture of a prototype, replica or custom item a design needs to be created and if the end result is either a photorealistic animation, still shot or a representation in virtual reality, the designer needs to work with you to ensure that the details and vision for the product are correct. Here at the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre our specialist team will provide an introduction to 3D modelling and where a 3D printed prototype is the desired end result, we will cover the special aspects of "design for additive manufacturing".
There will also be a brief introduction to the additive manufacturing (AM)or 3D printing, outlining the many techniques available and how best to access them. From the inexpensive filament deposition (FDM) machines aimed at the consumer market to direct metal laser melting (SLM) machines capable of producing items in stainless steel, titanium and a variety of other metals. Using examples, we will discuss prototyping and limit-run, customer manufacture and which technologies best suit certain markets.
AM is a spectacular technology permitting shapes and internal complexity to be made which would be impossible by any other technique. However, it should be looked upon as an addition to the manufacturer's repertoire not a replacement for other techniques which may still be better suited for particular tasks.
To find out more please join us at this free to attend event at the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre on 16 March 2017 from 16.30.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/masterclass-in-additive-manufacturing-3d-visualisation-tickets-29407998114
Event Location
3M Buckley Innovation Centre
Firth Street
Telephone: 01484 505 601
Email: info@3mbic.com
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/masterclass-in-additive-manufacturing-3d-visualisation-tickets-29407998114