3M Buckley Innovation Centre / Opportunities / Tue 31 Dec 2019
New Self Serve Digital Space at the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre

Companies now have access to a new self serve digital space at the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre (3M BIC) on Firth Street, part of the Huddersfield Innovation and Incubation Project (HIIP).
The Byte is a self service space providing 3D printing facilities, including an Ultimaker 3, Makerbot and FormLab2 for small prototype production, as well as VIVE and Oculus RIft Virtual Reality (VR) equipment for game production. A 4k Videography camera is also available to produce high quality videos.
Businesses can also "view" what their customers see using the TOBII eye tracking equipment attached to a laptop/PC. Using the collated information, businesses can gauge "how" clients view their products and whether key messages on benefits or safety are being received and understood as they intended.
High definition computing facilities are also available that allow SMEs to design products, enabling them to pitch their ideas to external companies to help launch their product. A "messy/wet" area allowing the design of physical entities for further study or development before taking to full scale production can be accessed in the adjacent Duke of York Young Entrepreneur Centre (DOYYEC) based within the 3M BIC.
The Huddersfield Innovation and Incubation Project (HIIP) has been funded through a £2.9m grant from the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Growth Deal - a £1bn package of government investment to accelerate growth and create jobs across Leeds City Region.
For more information on The Byte or to book to use the equipment, contact Luke Phillips on 01484 505601 or email l.phillips@hud.ac.uk
Opportunity Location
3M Buckley Innovation Centre
Firth Street
West Yorkshire
Telephone: 01484 505 601
Email: l.phillips@hud.ac.uk