Threedumb Theatre / Events / Sat 16 Jul 2016
Not About Heroes by Stephen MacDonald

Told by means of real diary entries, letters and poems, Not About Heroes paints a vivid picture of the First World War. This is the moving story of poetic life and friendship of Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon from their first meeting at Craiglockhart, a military hospital in Edinburgh for officers suffering from ‘shell-shock’. As they recover and count down the days until being sent back to the Front, they begin to share their controversial views on the ongoing war and heroism.
This 2016 tour is In Support of the Royal British Legion. (Reg. Charity No: 219279)
Saturday 16th July - 7.30pm
All Saints' Church Hall, Croxley Green - WD3 3HJ
£10 (£8 concessions)
For more information visit http://www.trybooking.co.uk/321
Event Location
All Saints' Church Hall
The Vicarage
The Green
Croxley Green
Telephone: 07895 035 812
Email: stephen@threedumbtheatre.com
Website: http://www.trybooking.co.uk/321