Teignmouth Players

Teignmouth Players The Teignmouth Players

The Teignmouth Players have a new 'home' at The Ice Factory, r/o 10 Somerset Place, Teignmouth. TQ14 8EN
We have a year round programme of events. We will also host a number of visiting productions , groups etc.. The Box Office is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 11am to 1pm on 01626 778991 Our website also has full programme details and can be used to book tickets for our productions..
The Players are always looking for new members and have an active junior section, the TYKES, so if you have an interest in the theatre why not email us - info@teignmouthplayers.com
We look forward to seeing you soon. The ce Factory Auditorium is accessed via a single flight of stairs.

View my website http://www.teignmouthplayers.com/

My Location

The Ice Factory

r/o 10 Somerset Place
TQ14 8EN
TQ14 8EN

Telephone: 01626 778 991
Email: info@eignmouthplayers.com
Website: http://www.teignmouthplayers.com/

Profile Details

Opportunity Types


Venue Types




My Events

Accidental Death of an Anarchist by Dario Fo / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2015-08-12T00:00:00Z">Wed 12</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2015-08-15T00:00:00Z">Sat 15 Aug 2015</span> <span>(4 days)</span>Accidental Death of an Anarchist by Dario Fo / Wed 12 to Sat 15 Aug 2015 (4 days)

An Explosive Comedy Accidental Death of an Anarchist by Dario Fo Directed by John Miles and David Warren August 12th to 15th at 7:30pm Matin...

Two One Act Plays and refreshments / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2015-04-29T00:00:00Z">Wed 29 Apr</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2015-05-02T00:00:00Z">Sat 02 May 2015</span> <span>(4 days)</span>Two One Act Plays and refreshments / Wed 29 Apr to Sat 02 May 2015 (4 days)

Two One Act plays Getting Dark by Joe Graham Directed by John Branch That Old Black Magic - a black comedy by Andrea MacPhail Directed by Jan...
