The Cotton Wool Store / Events / Thu 14 Apr 2016
Beginner's Embroidery Course

Embroidery is an easy, fun way to create personalised items and gifts. This workshop will show you the basic stitches and techniques to make a pretty design. Learn how to trace a pattern, use embroidery floss and various ways to showcase your work.
£35 incl materials & refreshments. Plus a 10% discount for anything bought in store on the day.
For booking call 01798 344334 or email info@thecottonwoolstore.com
Payment is required for reservations.
We accept PayPal or credit/debit cards
For more information visit http://www.thecottonwoolstore.com/
Event Location
The Leconfield Hall
Market Square
GU28 0AH
Telephone: 01798 344 334
Email: info@thecottonwoolstore.com
Website: http://www.thecottonwoolstore.com/