Sarah Sepe / Events / Sat 01 to Sat 15 Nov 2014 (2 weeks)
'Studio Work' at Worthing Museum and Art Gallery

Worthing Art Studios LLP has been running since February 2013 and provides space for 12 local artists to work and develop their careers. We are based in a small industrial unit in King Edward Close, Worthing. Our art practices are diverse and include photography, painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, collage, video and textiles.
Eleven artists are exhibiting at the Museum. Each one has responded to the theme of ‘Studio Work’ in a different way. Many will be showing new, experimental work that may still be relatively unresolved, thus capturing the moment ‘between the thinking and the making’.
For more information visit http://www.worthingartstudio.com/
Event Location
Worthing Museum & Art Gallery
Website: http://www.worthingartstudio.com/