Pallant House Gallery / Events / Thu 01 Aug 2013
Talk: Louise Bristow in Conversation with Peter Suchin

Louise Bristow's work is inspired by her fascination with the aesthetic of the Cold War and collage techniques such as the work of Eduardo Paolozzi. Her paintings are made using an intricate working process that involves constructing three-dimensional models and flat collages, and arranging them to form set-ups in her studio. Louise will talk inconversation about her work and her influences with contemporary art critic, lecturer and artist Peter Suchin.
Talk + wine: £12 (Friends £10.50)
Talk only: £8.50 (Friends £7, Students £7.50)
For more information visit http://pallant.org.uk/events/all-events/2013/august/louise-bristow-in-conversation-with-peter-suchin/
Event Location
Pallant House Gallery
9 North Pallant
PO19 1TJ
Telephone: 01243 774 557
Email: info@pallant.org.uk
Website: http://pallant.org.uk/events/all-events/2013/august/louise-bristow-in-conversation-with-peter-suchin/