Diana Davydova

Diana Davydova / Events / Sat 25 to Sun 26 Jun 2011 (2 days)

Landmark Midsummer Art Fair

Landmark Midsummer Art Fair

Midsummer Art Fair housed within the wonderful gothic surroundings of the Landmark Arts Centre in Teddington in London and now recognised as the most important event in the visual arts calendar. Visitors can expect to find a brilliant array of contemporary visual art – innovative work from over 80 professional artists and designers will be on display at the Midsummer Art Fair this June.

Stand number 44

Private view Friday 24th June 6pm-8.30

Sat 25th-Sun 26th 10am-5pm

Admission £4

Please download ADMIT 2 FOR 1 INVITE from my website

For more information visit http://www.landmarkartscentre.org/

Event Location

Landmark Art Centre

Ferry Road, Teddington, Middlesex,
TW11 9NN

Website: http://www.landmarkartscentre.org/

Event Details
