Chris Jones / Events / Mon 26 Sep 2011
Crossing Genres - A concert of American and English song

International theatre performer and teacher, Alison Guill, presents an eclectic programme of music, revealing her personal, educational and musical theatre history. She is joined by Senior Lecturer in Musical Theatre, Julian Kelly, with whom she performed in the European premier of Adam Guettel's The Light In The Piazza.
This duo association reveals a shared understanding of the refined art of emotional communication through words and music which will further be developed in an open Masterclass in Style and Interpretation on Tuesday 27th September in The Chapel. Entry to the class is unrestricted but ambitious students and performers are invited to submit applications to perform to j.s.kelly@chi.ac.uk
Tickets £5 / £3 concessions, or attend both the concert and the following evening's Masterclass for a reduced rate of £7 / £4 concessions for both! University students and staff admitted free of charge on presentation of a student / staff card.
For more information visit http://www.chi.ac.uk/music/index.cfm
Event Location
Chapel of the Ascension
University of Chichester
College Lane
PO19 6PE
Telephone: 01243 816 185
Email: music@chi.ac.uk
Website: http://www.chi.ac.uk/music/index.cfm